photo by Kelen Wen and Iris Zhang, 17, Beijing
"Western Treats "
“We took this photo of ourselves at one of our favorite places in Beijing: Kentucky Fried Chicken. Western food, like American-style fried chicken and ice cream, has become very popular here. As Chinese teenagers, we feel BIG pressures to make a strong future for ourselves. We study day and night, we have private tutors, we play music and sports. Going to KFC is our way to relax.”
If you had a chance to sit down with Kelen and Iris at KFC and interview them about their life as teenagers in Beijing, China, what questions would you ask? What would you like to know

photo by students at Lilian Bayliss School, London
“School's Out” ”
“These boys, dressed in coats and ties, attend one of the fanciest preparatory schools in London. We took this picture on a class trip to see the famous parts of London. We wondered if these pupils were just way more privileged than us (our families are poor and we are all immigrants) or were they smarter, too? We wished we could talk to them and find out more."
If you had a chance to talk with these students as they left school, what questions would you ask? What would you like to know?