Short Workouts for Social-Emotional Learning | MAY 2016

Other People's Lives


photo by students in Boto, Ethiopia
"Sick Child "

In this photo, a father on horseback brings his sick child to the village infirmary in the rural village of Boto in Ethiopia. The child has been ill for more than a week.

“In our village, we pray for health and endure sickness. The one-room clinic, staffed by a nurse on call, gives immunizations and antibiotics, when they are available, but little else. If someone has been sick for a few weeks or more, the nurse may examine the patient and recommend a trip to the doctor in Agaro. More often than not, we rely on healing plants, not because we believe they are better but because they are all we have.“

If you could interview the child's father, what would you ask? What do you predict happens to the child?



photo by youth at the Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco-Tenderloin Clubhouse

In this picture, 12-year-old Sean Hale poses for a self-portrait—taken by his best friend Mario. They are part of a photo project in which kids in a youth center in San Francisco were given a bag full of clothing and props and asked to represent their mood or who they are or who they want to be.

What kind of mood do you think Sean was reflecting? What gives you this impression? Can you tell anything else about Sean from this photo?