There's a radical - and wonderful - new idea here . . . that all children could and should be inventors of their own theories, critics of other people's ideas, analyzers of evidence, and makers of their own personal marks on the world." - Deborah Meier, Educator

First In The Family
Fires In The Mind
How Youth Learn
Social-Emotional Learning
Next Generation Press
Center for Youth Voice
In Our Village
Life in New China
Advice for Parents
Student/Youth Voice
College Matters
Global Youth Voices
Just Listen!
Mentors That Matter
Service Learning
Students as Allies in School
Student Research for Action
Voices from the Middle Grades
Youth in Policy: Civics2
Youth on the Trail 2012
A Guide to Creating Teen-
Adult Public Forums
Cultural Conversations through Creative Writing
Documenting Immigration Stories
First Ask, Then Listen: How Your Students Can Help You Teach Them Better
Making Writing Essential to
Teen Lives
Profiles of Politically Active Youth
Queer Youth Advice for Educators
SAT Bronx
The Schools We Need: Creating Small High Schools That Work for Us
| 2016 Summer Bucket List
by WKCD| JUNE 21, 2016

Go an entire day without technology (or maybe even a week, or summer)
Do something that scares you
Tour your own city
Make a scavenger hunt
Make a time capsule
Invent something new
Clean your room
Complete a 1,000-piece puzzle
Cook a full meal
Make a scrapbook
Make a daily photography challenge and complete it
Visit a museum
Read 5 books
Go running early in the morning
Take a yoga class
Interview someone you don’t know and learn their life story. Write it up and give it to them.
Have a water fight
Make pizza
Sing a song with a lot of people
Learn as many words or phrases you can in a foreign language
Research 5 colleges
Watch a sunrise
Watch a sunset
Do your family’s laundry
Collect your family’s history
Write a short story
Go kayaking
Leave famous quotes on the windows of parked cars
Stand up for something you believe in
Spend a half hour looking at clouds or starst
Create, direct, and produce a mini film
Choreograph a dance for a music video
Go camping
Put together a fashion show
Build with Legos
Freeze a water balloon and peel off the balloon part
Write a letter and send it, snail-mail style
Eat 5 things you haven’t eaten before
Be a vegetarian for a week
Host a dinner party
Body paint
Plan out a road trip
Make a collage
Bake a cake
Make smoothies
Watch a black-and-white classic movie
Play classic board games (like Monopoly orChinese Checkers) on a rainy day
Watch a meteor shower
Run a mile
Watch fireworks
Attend an outdoor concert
Have everyone you meet sign a shirt for a day
Ask for a cheeseburger without cheese
Make a giant chocolate chip cookie
Create a new recipe that can be passed down for generations
Have a full-on photography session taking ten photos of objects every color of the rainbow
Find an astronomy pattern in the sky
Go fishing (but then release the fish)
Ride you bike to places that are within a 6 mile radius
Make friendship bracelets
Make small talk in an elevator
Get a high score on an arcade game
Organize a huge sport game
Redo your bedroom
Grow some plants
Perform music for others
Draw a chalk masterpiece on your sidewalk or driveway or in a playground
Cook on an open fire
Win a competition
Send a message in a bottle
Put your deepest worry into a balloon and let it go
Dedicate a day to someone important in your life
What Kids Can Do, Inc. | |
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