There's a radical - and wonderful - new idea here . . . that all children could and should be inventors of their own theories, critics of other people's ideas, analyzers of evidence, and makers of their own personal marks on the world." - Deborah Meier, Educator





First In The Family

Fires In The Mind

How Youth Learn

Social-Emotional Learning

Next Generation Press

Center for Youth Voice

In Our Village

Life in New China


Advice for Parents

Student/Youth Voice

College Matters

Global Youth Voices

Just Listen!

Mentors That Matter

Service Learning

Students as Allies in School

Student Research for Action

Voices from the Middle Grades

Youth in Policy: Civics2

Youth on the Trail 2012


A Guide to Creating Teen-
Adult Public Forums

Cultural Conversations through Creative Writing

Documenting Immigration Stories

First Ask, Then Listen: How Your Students Can Help You Teach Them Better

Making Writing Essential to
Teen Lives

Profiles of Politically Active Youth

Queer Youth Advice for Educators

SAT Bronx

The Schools We Need: Creating Small High Schools That Work for Us




















The 2016 Youth Vote in the News

by WKCD| OCTOBER 14, 2015


In the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, the political participation of young voters captured the public's attention. Obama's charisma—and his visions of change and inclusiveness—drew an unprecendented number of millenials into the political process, and the press took note. The involvement of youth in the 2016 election has been, by comparison, a non-story, except during the primary campaign when so many young people "felt the Bern." Since the Republican and Democratic conventions, the prevailing narrative has been "Hilary Clinton's young voter problem" and the failure of either candidate to galvanize young people, regardless of their race, gender, immigration status, or sexual orientation.

Here, WKCD has gathered a dozen articles that address the youth vote in these last weeks before November 8.

Campus political groups aim to register students to vote as election approaches (Oct 2, 2016, Michigan Daily)

Clinton campaigns for youth and black vote in battleground states (Oct. 3, 2016, CBS News)

Al Gore to campaign for Clinton, hoping to galvanize young voters on climate change (Oct. 4, 2016, Washington Post)

Millennials need to stop waiting for the ‘perfect’ candidate and just vote (Oct. 5, 2016, CNBC)

We’ve been totally wrong about Hillary Clinton’s young voter problem And a big new study proves it (Oct. 7, 2016,

Youth turnout will define America’s future (Oct. 7, 2016, Daily Texan)

Activist groups work to combat barriers to student voting (Oct. 9, 2016, Central Michigan Life)

Here's where fed-up Millennials are thinking about putting their votes (Oct. 10, 2016, USA Today)

The Challenge of Engaging Millennial Voters in the 2016 Election (Oct. 10, 2016, Tap into New Brunswick)

Can GOP Senate Campaigns Win Over Millennial Voters? (Oct. 11, 2016, Inside Sources)

Latinx Millennials Speak Out On Election (Oct. 12, 2016, Public Media for South Central Florida)

The LGBTQ Community Will Vote for Those They’ve Lost to Hate—And Those Still Suffering (Oct. 12, 2016, Time)