Wesley Kyle Turner, age 12
Highland Turner Elementary School, Booneville, Kentucky
I’m from the swampy rivers to the broken blacktop on Barwick.
I remember the smell of Wintergreen Grizzly Long cut chewing tobacco, the dirt bikes and 4x4 wheelers. This is where I am from—where Bobby’s pool hall stays open ‘til 1:00 a.m. and the dogs barking from the back of pickup trucks that had bumper stickers that said “I am a country boy” and “Support Coal.” I am from the smell of fresh chopped wood from Wayne‘s wood shop. I remember the swinging bridge that went to Mammaw SallyBell’s house and to a big valley, the sweet smell of J.D.’s blend smelled like pipe tobacco smoke. I am from where the smell and taste of Mammaw SallyBell’s corn bread and chicken and dumplings, the sound of trucks, cars and dirt bikes and four-wheelers rev their engines. Some people think it is a bad place…but not me.
Kang Bao Vang, age 13
Franklin Middle School, Green Bay, Wisconsin
I am from a bath from rain,
From the dirt, and carts driving to go get water.
I am from the cart that takes people places.
From the smell of poop everywhere.
I am from the taste of a piece of watermelon
That I always carried with me
To go play with my friends,
From a place where there are monks’ statues,
Where people go to find bamboo to sell.
I am from the ghost stories from my grandma.
I am from the fruit I always ate, called frog fruit.
It smells so sweet that whenever you smell it you just want to eat it.
As bumpy as a frog’s back, and looks dark green.
I am from the papaya salad that smells bad
But tastes really good.
When you try some you won’t stop eating it,
Or you will want more, except it’s a little spicy.
I am from the boiling pumpkin in the pot
On the stove and still needs to be eaten
By me and my family.
I am from the games I play.
Hopscotch, hit the can, the fried chicken game.
It goes, “Whose mom is rich to buy fried chicken
To whom to eat, that person has a lot of gas.”
We play Grandma and Grandpa (playing house).
I am from a game for girls drawing on dirt.
I love this game,
It’s something like a race.
I am from all of these good memories.
It makes me want to go back.