Audio Slideshows: Beijing Youth on the 2008 Olympics—and more

Editor's note:

Hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics is a point of huge pride for Chinese of all ages. It is China's debut on the world stage and they pray it is impeccable. For many Westerners and other non-Chinese, the Beijing Olympics offers a different—and no less urgent— storyline: about the suppression of dissent, the importance of human rights, the impact of environmental pollution, and more.

The Beijing youth whose voices and photos we share here speak from the first perspective. They love their country. They are smart and compassionate. They worked terrifically hard to produce these audio slideshows, and they offer them with open hearts. As outsiders, we may wish these six Beijing teenagers had taken up some of the issues that have stirred discussion and protest elsewhere in the world. But these are their stories—from youth who have big dreams for their country as well as for themselves.

“Beijing Youth Voices” Team Discusses What the Olympics Mean to China and How It Has Changed Beijing (Roundtable discussion with WKCD, Aug. 1, ’08; photos by “Beijing Youth Voices” team)

The Olympics Around Me
A photo essay by Linda Jiang

A Beijing Show
A photo essay by Steven Kong

A Day’s Walk in Beijing: Olympics Everywhere
A photo essay by Email Wang

Olympics Welcome and Sponsors
A photo essay by Iris Zhang


The Beauty of Eating
A photo essay by Kelen Wen

Feeling the simple things around us
A photo essay by Siqi Zhao


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Country Facts: China

Pop.: (2006) 1.32 billion
Percentage of pop. under 14: (2008) 20%
Annual pop. growth: (2008) 0.6%
Surface area: 9,596,960 sq. km.
Life expectancy at birth:  (2006)            72 years
Literacy rate: (2000) 91%
Capital: Beijing

In 1985, the average income in China was $293;
in 2006 the average income was $2,025.

China contributed one-third of global economic growth in 2004.
Read more>


2008 Summer Olympics
Nations participating:  205
Athletes participating: 10,500
Events: 302 in 28 sports
No. of gold medals won by China: 51
No. of gold medals won by U.S.: 36

2004 Summer Olympics

No. of gold medals won by China: 32
No. of gold medals won by U.S.: 36


Teaching resources

East Asian Study Center

Asian Educational Media Service

China from the Inside (PBS Series ‘07)

China Rises (PBS Series ’06)