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Third Edition of INSIDE OUT

First Edition of INSIDE OUT

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“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” — William Butler Yeats

Finished roller coasters!

Student comments on the project:

"It made learning fun."

"I actually wanted to come to school."

"It was good because we actually got to build a rollercoaster, something we thought we couldn't do before."

"I got to know people that I didn't know before."

"It really made us think."

"Good project!"

"I'd rather build something than write about it."

"If we had to do it again, I'd change nothing."

"We learned what engineers have to do before they build a real rollercoaster."

"It was challenging and fun at the same time."

"We had some difficulties and disagreements but in the end I think we had a good project."

"We got to learn how other people learn."

" It made me like school."

Central High School | 70 Fricker St., Providence, RI 02903 | 401.456.9111
What Kids Can Do, Inc. | PO Box 603252, Providence, RI 02906 | 401.247.7665

Copyright © 2005