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“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” — William Butler Yeats

Student Essays from 1964 and 2004

One Main Goal in Life
By Barbara F. Lake, Class of 1964

We have all at one time or another set our goal in life. Some of us desire wealth, others desire fame, and others desire a sense of achievement and worth. I desire the latter, the sense of achievement and worth. This is, I think, one of the main goals in life, that everyone should strive to obtain.

It is my belief that we are all put on this earth to perform a certain task. No matter what the task may be, we should gain a sense of achievement and worth from it. If this sense is lacking, we are being deprived of the most important reward in our life. If we do not feel a sense of achievement, the blame can only be put on us, therefore we must work hard to achieve this main goal.

We should not set out goals toward material rewards. The material rewards of life, such as wealth and physical possessions, can be taken from us very easily and quickly, but the reward of a sense of achievement and worth cannot. This reward is ours for life. It is our cherished possession.

Because my main goal in life is to obtain a sense of achievement and worth, my secondary goal is to become an excellent registered nurse. I hop that I will be able to acquire the skill to administer relief to the sick and the unfortunate. Through the use of this skill, I shall feel a sense of achievement. I shall also feel that I am making something of my life. My life will be put to good use. Every time I ease a patient's pain, help a cripple walk again, cancel someone's fear of a coming operation, or make a person laugh, I shall be rewarded with a wonderful feeling. Nothing or nobody can ever take this feeling from me. I shall always possess a feeling of achievement and worth.

Anyone who is willing to work hard and diligently can obtain this reward during his lifetime. This reward is not limited to the professional people of our society. It is available to every individual no matter what he does or who he may be.

You should be able to feel a sense of achievement and worth in doing your work. After finishing a particular job, no matter how unimportant it may seem, if you obtain a sense of achievement , all the effort put into doing it is worthwhile.

You can also obtain the reward of achievement in other ways. Do any task that is not required or demanded of you. Help your friends if they are in need. Be appreciative to those who dedicate their lives to helping others.

If your goal does not offer this reward, think about changing to another. The sense of achievement is not difficult to obtain. Add some unselfish acts to your life. In this way the main goal in your life will be fulfilled.

If you work toward this goal in life, you will be rewarded far more than it is possible to imagine. You will be able to use your life as it was intended to be used. You will have a genuine reason for living.

The World Around Us
By Ralph Cole, Class of 1964

The people of today's world can look forward to a future of advancement and knowledge, or destruction by an atomic attack. The Communist rule is spreading and already they have advanced their power into the western hemisphere.

The people of today live in a tense world full of conflict, hate, and bitterness. Countries all over the world are involved in this situation and none can escape the consequences. Berlin is a city divided in two, where the Communists need only to try to take control and a war which would end the world would begin. In Africa, new and troubled nations are fast becoming other tension spots. The United Nations helped to establish new governments but these are so far very uncertain and unstable. The future will decide their fate. A little island only ninety miles off our coast was and still is making the biggest news in the world. Cuba, under Communists rule, is probably the hottest spot in the world today. Under our noses, the Soviets built missile bases capable of destroying America. This plot was uncovered by our defense department and stopped by the threat of an atomic war. Cuba is still a threat to the security of our nation, but is being closely watched by our state department.

The biggest problem facing the world today is happening in our own country. It is the problem arising from the fact that in many parts of our country a Negro cannot live in any neighborhood he chooses, cannot go to certain public schools, and cannot be served in any restaurant he wishes. It is a problem to which he must find a solution before we can say that this is a really great nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. This land was founded on principles of liberty and justice to all men, no matter what their racial background or religious beliefs might be. The people of America should not stand by while this is happening and not nothing at all about it. The other countries look to us to help them solve their problems, but how can we when we have not yet solved our own.

All these problems must be settled all over this world before we can live in harmony with our fellow men. If these matters can be settled the people of this planet can look forward to a world of peace, contentment, advancement, and knowledge. We cannot see into the future, but we do hope that these matters can be settled gracefully for the wellbeing of all mankind.

By Denise Thomas, Class of 2004

"Joe, I'm about to go home. I have a headache," I said, touching my forehead for emphasis.

"Alright, I guess I will see you tomorrow then." Joe and I said our goodbyes and then I left. I snaked my way around the crowd of dancing people and headed out the large bronze door. Once outside, I inhaled the fresh, crisp air thought my red painted lips. After being in a crowded house filled with smoke, fresh air had never seemed so refreshing.

I began walking away from the booming music towards my new birthday present, a brand new, candy apple red convertible. Once inside the car, I put the silver into the ignition, turned the radio on, and took off. I drove down to the end of the blocka dn stopped at the red light. I began to tap my feet on the floor any my fingers on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the music. "Finally," I sighed after waiting for the light to turn green, which seemed like forever. I put my foot on the gas and—BAM!

I woke up in a white room with tan tiled floors. As soon as I had tried to lift my head I felt a sharp pain shoot from my neck down my back. I decided to lay my head back onto the white pillow. I glanced around he room to see flowers, cards, and balloons that read "Get Well Soon." My eyes moved from the balloons to my leg, which was suspended above the bed in a cast. I had bandages around my right arm and an IV in my left hand. I then began to search for the little buzzer for the nurse. I frantically pressed the red button and impatiently waited for someone to come.

Three minutes later a short, blond-haired, blue-eyed nurse came through the door. She was wearing coral-colored scrubs, white nurse shoes, and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. "How are you doing today?" she asked with a plastered smile on her face.

"Confused," I replied with a raspy voice caused by not being used in days. "How long have I been here?"

"Three days. You had an accident. Do you remember the crash?" I thought about the night of the party and remembered that right before I blacked out, I had seen two headlights headed right for the side of my jeep.

"How is the other driver?" "Well," she paused, "he is fine, walked away with only a few scratches. You on the other hand have a broken leg, fractured wrist, head injuries, and you were severely burned by the explosion of your vehicle."

It is a year later and I'm still wondering why. After the accident my leg and wrist healed, but the burns on the left side of my face sill remain. Every time I look into the mirror I am reminded of the accident, and how it so easily could have been prevented. The driver of the other vehicle was drunk. He had come from the party as me. He walked ways form a few scratches. I walked away with burns that will mark me for life.

People look at me differently. They stare. I can not even begin to count the number times someone has asked me, "What happened to your face?" I grow tired of people sympathizing for me. I want to be normal again. I want to feel like the homecoming queen I was once in my last year of high school. I will never be beautiful again, and it is all because of a drunk driver.

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